Selasa, 15 Mei 2012


                                   C.  THE LIVE OF ANIMALS

A.   How Does An Amoeba Move?
An amoeba moves by first putting out of pseudopodium or “false foot”. Then the rest of the animal’s body follows on behind it.
The main part of an amoeba’s body is made of grainy liqiud called endoplasm. Outside this, just inside the outer membrane, there is a thin layer of clear, jelly-like material called ectoplasm.
When an amoeba starts to move, the ectoplasm becomes liquid art a certain point the animal starts to put the pseudopodium. A stream of endoplasm moves up the center of the animal into the pseudopodium. There it spreads out and becomes firmer, adding to the ectoplasm at the sides. At the rear and the opposite happens so that the whole animal moves towards the pseudopodium.
We still do not know that causes the endoplasm to stream forward. But scientist think that the “rear” end of the animal contracts and squeezes the animal forward.

 The Resume Of “Amoeba Movement
          Firstly the amoeba change the ectoplasm becomes liquid and put the pseudopodium. Secondly, a stream of endoplasm moves from center into the pseudopium. And then there it spreads out and become firmer. Moreover, it adding to ectoplasm at the side. Finally the rear and the opposite or the whole of amoeba moves towards the pseudopium.
List Of New Vocabulary 
Grainy :spreads: penyebaran              
squeezes: tekanan
Stream : aliran                                    
rear: bagian belakang
B.   How Do Snake Move?
Some snakes move in a series of leaps, using a movement like a concertina. Other pass waves down their bodies and other use the scales on their bellies. Side-winding snakes move in a series of steps. On rough grounds most snakes move by passing waves of muscle movement down their bodies. The waves push against stones and other objects.
On smoother ground, a snake may move in a concertina fashion. The snake draws its body up into a series of bends. Then, keeping the tail region firmly on the ground, it throws its head and bodyforwards.some snakes can move in a straight line. Waves of muscle movement pass down the snake’s belly. Side-winding snakes are usually found in a desert. They move over the sand in a series of sideways steps.

The Resume Of “Snake Movement
                There are 4 kind of snake movement type. First is concertina, it used on smoother ground. Firstly the snake draws its body up into a series of blends. And then, the tail region become firmly on the ground. Finally it throws its head and body forwards. Second is sidewinding, it used on desert. They move over the sand in a series of sideways steps. Third is serpentire, it used on rough grounds. Most snake move can move in a straight line by passing waves of muscle movement down the snake’s belly. Forth is caterpilar (rectilinear), it used on stones area, it like as caterpillar movement.
List Of New Vocabulary 
Leaps: lompatan
Scales: skala

C.   How Do Bats Find Their Way In The Dark?
 A bat does not have good eyesight, but is able to see by sound waves. It produces a series of high-pitched squeaks which are reflected back by the objects around it.
The way in which bats find their way about is called echolocation. They produce high pitched squeaks that humans cannot hear. Some bats, such as the long-eared bat on the left, produce these sounds from their mouths. Others, such as the greater horseshoe bat, on the right, produce their sound from their noses. The returning echoes are picked up by the bats large, sensitive ears.
The bats receive information about the direction, loudness, and pitch (high or low notes) of echoes returning from a flying insect. It can then work out the direction, distance, and speed of the insect with amazing accuracy.

The Resume “Fly Ability on the Dark”
            The bats can see by sound waves. Firstly it produces a series of high-pitched squeaks with their mouths which are reflected back by the objects around it. But others, such as the greater horseshoe bat produce their sound from their noses. And then returning echoes are picked up by the bat large, sensitive ears. And the bats receive information about the direction, loudness and pitch of echoes returning from flying insect. It can then work out the direction, distance and speed of the insect with amazing accuracy.
List Of New Vocabulary 
Eyesight: penglihatan                                                 
squeaks: dencitan
horseshoe: ladam, sepatu kuda
accuracy: ketelitian

D.   How Does A Catterpillar Turn Into A Butterfly?
The amazing change from a caterpillar to a butterfly happens inside a chrysalis. The process is called metamorphosis, whice means “change of form”.
A caterpillar’s life is spent feeding and growing. It earts large amounts of plant material. Every so often it sheds it skin, to show a larger skin underneath.
When the it is fully grown, it finds a suitable place and attaches itself with silk threads. Then it shed it skin once more. But,  this time the new skin has a different shape and hardens into the case of the chrysalis, or pupa. Inside the pupa dramatic changes take place. Eventually, an adult butterfly appears and flies away.

The Resume “The Complete Metamorphosis of Butterfly”
                Firstly the adult butterflies put off the eggs on leave and stem of plant, from the eggs of butterfly was born caterpillars, the caterpillars always feeding and growing and its sheds it skin. Secondly, it finds a suitable place and attaches itself with silk threads. And then, it sheds the skin once more to become chrysalis or pupa. Finally, from the chrysalis was born adult butterflies and process reproduction happens again.
List Of New Vocabulary 
Caterpillar: ulat
Chrysalis: kepompong
Threads: benang-benang
E.   How Does A Camel Conserve Water?
Camels are adapted to live in the desert. They save as much water as possible and they can also lose a lot of water without any bad effects.
Like all mammals, a camel has water in this body tissues. But it can lose up to 22 percent of this water without harm, while a human who has lost only 12 percent will almost certainly die. The camel can do this by losing most of the water from its body cells and very little from its blood. It looks rather scraggy, but a good drink of water brings it back to its normal appearance.
A camel’s hump contains fat. This once thought to be a source of water. But the fat is an energy reserve.
Camels do not sweat very much, and they produce only small amounts of urine these adaptations help them to survive in the desert.

The Resume “Converse Water Ability of a Camel”
            Firstly a camel save as much water as possible. Secondly, a camel’s hump contains fat, it changed from the water that drink by camel. And then, this once thought to be a source of water, but the fat is an energy reserve. Finally the camel doesn’t sweat very much and produce only small amounts of urine these adaptations help them to survive in the desert.

List Of New Vocabulary 
Desert: padang, gurun pasir                            Scraggy: kurus
Harm: kerusakan, kerugian
Rather: agak,, cukup  
F.    How Do Bees Make Honey?
            Bees gather nectar and pollen for food. Same of the nectar is converted into honey by the action of the bee’s saliva.
             A bee’s nest is made up of a number of vertical wax sheets, or combs. On each slide of a comb there are hundreds of small, six sided cells. Some of these are used for rearing grubs and others are uses for rearing grubs and other are used for storing food.
An adult bee uses its long proboscis to suck up nectar, which supplies it with energy. Spare nectar is taken into its “honey stomach”, brought back to the nest and stored in cells. The bee also gathers pollen, which is scrapes into two pollen baskets on its back legs. Pollen is a source of protein. It is also stored in cells and is feed to developing grubs.
Honey is also stored in cells as a winter food supply. Honey is not gathered from flowers. It is made by a bee sucking nectar into its crop. There the action of saliva changes it into honey.

The Resume “Production Honey Bees”
                Firstly, the bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers, it uses its long proboscis to suck up the nectar, and some nectar is converted into honey by the action off bee’s saliva. Secondly, spare nectar is taken into its “honey stomach”, and brought back to the nest and stored in cells. The pollen is also stored in cells, it is feed to developing grubs. And then, honey is also stored in cells as a food supply if bees are not gathered from flowers. It this made by a bee sucking nectar into its crop.
List Of New Vocabulary 
Wax: lilin                                             Pollen: serbuk sari
Proboscis: belalai

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